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What is it?

Making changes in a healthcare system can be especially challenging, considering the layers of infrastructure in place to ensure quality and safety. The Quality Improvement Curriculum emphasizes the importance of evidence-based practice, why breastfeeding should be a focus in your quality improvement efforts, and how to accomplish quality improvement. The curriculum consists of four short chapters: Why Quality Improvement, Anatomy of a Task Force, Mountain Climber System, and Resistance to Change. Each chapter contributes to knowledge that will inform the QI leader to create systems and processes for improving care, and limit variances during periods of change. The goal is to create a culture of change and improvement where all can thrive.

It is crucial to develop the right team to accomplish quality improvement in your birthing center. The curriculum reviews the importance of a strong task force, the right number of members, who should populate the task force, how to engage people in your task force, and even what to discuss at your meetings!

Perhaps you are a leader interested in learning more about quality improvement, but you don’t have a task force yet. The curriculum arms you with an understanding of quality improvement basics, and provides high impact behaviors — things you can start right now to create a quality improvement culture in your unit.

The provider champion is uniquely positioned to support and lead quality improvement efforts, but most providers have little training in quality improvement and lack the time for comprehensive trainings. This short curriculum was designed to be efficient and effective in translating evidence-based quality improvement principles into actionable steps.

Perhaps you do not have a title, but want to be more involved in your birthing center task force. This curriculum requires no prerequisites. Dive in to get acquainted with quality improvement principles and become a change agent in your birthing center.

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