The power of the prenatal clinic staff
As a prenatal worker (a nurse, an educator, a medical assistant, or a front office clerk), you have the power to start the conversation about breastfeeding and the evidence-based practices that support it, such as skin-to-skin and rooming-in.
Why breastfeeding
The health benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby are clear. Breastfeeding is no longer a lifestyle choice, but a public health decision.
Breastfeeding protects against SIDS and SUIDS.
Breastfeeding decreases risk for heart disease in the mother.
Breastfeeding decreases the risk of breast cancer.
High Impact Behaviors
A high impact behavior is an action that is EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT. As prenatal clinic staff, you have the ability to accomplish it. It is an action that you can do today. Let’s get started!
Affirm breastfeeding by telling mothers, “We encourage breastfeeding,” and, “We recommend breastfeeding here!” Your endorsement goes a long way.
Normalize breastfeeding by encouraging and facilitating breastfeeding in all areas, such as the waiting room and exam rooms.
Refer to community resources. The community is there to help you send a consistent message for your families.