Surrounded by Support
There are lots of people in the community who can help prepare families for the hospital and support them once they are home. Everyone should know about the resources that can help mothers succeed. Care teams could include:
There are lots of people in the community who can help prepare families for the hospital and support them once they are home. Everyone should know about the resources that can help mothers succeed. Care teams could include:
A key person (such as the baby’s father, grandmother, etc.) can support mom along the way.
Classes and groups can help families prepare both during pregnancy and after the baby is born.
The people closest to mom and her champion can help them prepare, and can support them once they get home with their new baby.
These programs provide special support and nutritious foods to pregnant women and new mothers at certain income levels.
Mom’s healthcare provider plays an important role in helping her set and meet her goals.
The baby’s doctor can help mom reach her goals once she leaves the hospital.