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What is it?

Providers, nurses, and other members of a woman’s prenatal care team must cover a wide range of topics in a short amount of time. Using wait time as an educational opportunity is an efficient and effective way to ensure that pregnant women and their champions go into the hospital ready to receive evidence-based care, and are more confident about reaching their breastfeeding goals.

The short videos can be played in the waiting or examination room as a non-threatening way to engage pregnant mothers early in conversations about breastfeeding.

An engaged and educated champion is key to breastfeeding success. Coffective stresses the importance of the champion through the use of powerful images.

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Build family support for breastfeeding by encouraging all family members present to watch the video.

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Short video clip(s) organized around core maternity care practices and including specific prompts for mothers to learn more by talking to their care team members.

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