We’re Prepared Checklist

Counseling Sheets

Complete Curriculum

You play an important role in a mother’s breastfeeding experience by ensuring that the evidence-based practices we know contribute to breastfeeding success are happening in your hospital. As a nurse, your charge is to empower and educate mothers so that all mothers can make an informed decision about feeding.
The health benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby are clear. Breastfeeding is no longer a lifestyle choice, but a public health decision.
Breastfeeding decreases postpartum depression.
Breastfeeding protects against postpartum hemorrhage.
Breastfeeding protects against SIDS and SUIDS.
A high impact behavior is an action that is EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT. As a birthing center nurse, you have the ability to accomplish it. It is an action that you can do today. Let’s get started!
Affirm the importance of breastfeeding by telling mothers, “As your nurse, I recommend and support breastfeeding as your feeding choice.”
Refer to community resources. Your community partners are ready to help you send a consistent message for your families.
Help bonding happen by encouraging rest during the day, and being the force that keeps mothers and babies together.