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The power of a provider

When providers talk, people listen. Let’s harness this opportunity to promote breastfeeding with the patients in your community. As the primary educator, you have the power to explain the evidence-based benefits of breastfeeding and affirm its importance.

Why breastfeeding

The health benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby are clear. Breastfeeding is no longer a lifestyle choice, but a public health decision.

learn more

High Impact Behaviors

A high impact behavior is an action that is EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT. As a provider, you have the ability to accomplish it. It is an action that you can do today. Let’s get started!

Our suggested offering for providers

Provider Education

Written for providers by providers, this curriculum focuses on changing behaviors and attitudes to support breastfeeding.

We’re Prepared Checklist

A “table of contents” for key topics that should be covered with mothers prenatally and throughout their hospital stay.

Key Message Posters

Powerful images are paired with simple messaging to foster interest in breastfeeding and key evidence-based practices.

Motivation Document

Helps new families prepare for baby's birth by outlining ways to get a good start and how to access support resources.

Motivational Videos

Make your facility’s training more effective with a two-step approach that harnesses leader motivation while engaging and educating their stakeholders, whether they be staff or colleagues.