We’re Prepared Checklist

Breastfeeding is important. More and more women are choosing breastfeeding. What about you? As a mother you have the power to provide the gift of good health and good food to your baby.
The health benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby are clear. Breastfeeding is no longer a lifestyle choice, but a public health decision.
Breastfeeding decreases mothers’ risk of breast cancer.
Breastfeeding decreases infants’ risk of SIDS.
Breastfeeding protects infants against ear infections.
A high impact behavior is an action that is EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT. As a mother, you have the ability to accomplish it. It is an action that you can do today. Let’s get started!
Think about breastfeeding. Deciding how you are you are going to feed your baby is an important decision. If you choose breastfeeding, you will get your baby off to a great start.
Tell others, such as your doctor and nurse, that you have chosen breastfeeding so they can direct you toward breastfeeding help if needed
Help is available from WIC, home visiting, and other organizations in your community.