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2020 The Gift team transitioned to new coaching model. Baby-Friendly compliant, 5-Hour nursing breastfeeding skills competency launched. Novel 2-hour provider competency co-created and trialed with residents. Collaboration with LaPQC, NOWS and Express Yourself formalized.


2019 Advanced quality improvement training continued with offering of QI Curriculum. Breastfeeding education for ancillary departments (i.e. pharmacy and anesthesia) offered to all Gift birthing centers. Gift 2.0 marks launch of updated designation criteria and evaluation framework.


2018 Next phase of advanced quality improvement training launched. Provider engagement initiatives began. Baby-Friendly compliant education offered to all Louisiana providers. Motivational video series offered to shift culture of breastfeeding promotion.


2017 Quality improvement training for coaches and local leaders launched. Coaches’ dashboard created. Quality improvement science applied to birthing centers statewide.


2016 The Gift coaching team created. Staff and perinatal education launched to establish statewide consistent message.