Birthing center nurses are busy. Training requirements are added on from multiple directions. The Complete Curriculum values the nurses’ time by fulfilling a variety of hospital priorities including Baby-Friendly, The Joint Commission, mPINC, patient satisfaction, and general quality improvement. It also inspires nurses to move forward with their professional development by encouraging and inspiring participation in real change, through improvement in counseling skills and participation in task force activities.
Evidence-Based Content
The training presents the evidence-based benefits and the science of breastfeeding, while also focusing on motivating staff behavior change.
Baby-Friendly Compliant
Fulfills the requirements for nursing staff education as part of Step 2 of the Baby-Friendly Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
Adult Learning Principles
The training was designed so that learners are motivated to start, willing to complete, and eager to apply their education.
Flexible Delivery Format
Training can be delivered through the Coffective website or by integrating into your Learning Management System.
Coordinated, Consistent Messaging
Training materials and teaching points align with the prenatal education and bedside counseling tools, in addition to the free downloadable materials and the Coffective mobile app.
Content Hours Provided
Staff who complete the entire curriculum will be eligible for nursing contact hours. The contact hours are provided through Workplace Nurses, LLC.