As the prenatal clinic lead (managing staff partner, office manager, lead MA), you can set the tone of the office to one of inclusion and education so that all families have what they need to make informed decisions.
Your support for breastfeeding is powerful. By affirming its importance and providing accurate information, you can ensure all families are making informed choices.
As a member of a breastfeeding coalition you are part of the collective dynamic that multiplies your personal impact to support families to reach their breastfeeding goals.
As a leader, you have the unique opportunity to influence local agencies and ensure all pregnant women in your region or state receive breastfeeding education.
Breastfeeding is worth it and you can do it! Learn more about breastfeeding as the normal way to feed your baby, and other things you can do to reach your breastfeeding goals.
As frontline support for families, you can make a difference. Make sure all families have enough support to succeed at breastfeeding, if that is their choice.